Know what’s happening

  • Community

    When I opened Purl A Row in 2018 I had a firm vision in mind of what I wanted and where I wanted the shop to go. Top of my list was inclusivity and accessibility. Being a disabled person myself I know the struggles faced on a daily basis of being able to find accessible…

  • Is Spring finally here?

    With the arrival of some nice sunny day’s you would be forgiven for thinking that spring had arrived, until you step outside and get greeted with that artic wind. I for one haven’t put my winter woolies away just yet. With spring just around the corner though now is the ideal time to think about…

  • Exciting Times

    Hello Is it too late to wish you all a happy new year? It’s been so busy and all go here at Purl A Row that I’ve jsut not had time to sit down and do a blog post. So what’s been happening? Well back in November the archway of my shop fell down leading…

  • Sit & Socials

    I have had to make changes to the Tuesday evening sit & social. I have had several requests for evening classes and unfortunately Tuesday evenings are my only available eveings so I will be making the Tuesday sit & socail sessions every other week from the 31st of May and the alternate Tuesdays will be…

  • New Shop

    It’s all coming together and I will be opening a new shop in the town of Grantham Lincolnshire. The space is much bigger than the last shop. There will be space for a social table as well as all my stock. Upstairs there is also a room that I will be hiring out to other…

  • How’s it going?

    Hello everyone It’s been a little while since I wrote anything to you all. This little note is going to fill you in all that’s coming up and how the shop opening times are going to change for summer. (little hint not much) Lets start with the biggest thing and get that out the way.…